Friday, April 18, 2014

Announcement: Hiatus

Dear Internet,

          Can you guess what time it is, Internet?  No?  It is time to go back on hiatus.  I know, I know.  I have only been re-corresponding for some two months now.  I wish I could keep up this writing, or better yet go back to the original five day format, but life has a happy little way of getting in the way of what we want to do.  Attempting to try and keep my current rate of letters would be quite frankly impossible due to a number of circumstances that are well beyond my control.  Do not weep for me, Internet.  You will get your servers wet if you leak that much coolant.  I cannot say just when I will return to finish my latest review or update anything in vein of the visual novel project, but know this.  I will return eventually.  In the mean time, just keep replaying those kitten videos and amuse yourself in the mean time.

Yours in digital,

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