Monday, July 15, 2013

Entry 087: "The Muppet Show" Ep. 61-72

Dear Internet,

                Have I talked enough about "The Muppet Show"?  I guess not considering that there are still two seasons left for me to watch, and the rules of this experiment demand that I keep talking about it.  Yet why do I find myself digging at the bottom of the barrel to find something to write about?  Is it because I do not like the show?  No, that is not the case for I find myself laughing at the jokes and situations that the various characters get themselves into.  Is it because time and time again, I find myself falling a bit drowsy when watching the show?  There is only so much that I can blame on the sweltering weather that has decided to cook me alive these days while at the same time causing me to fall asleep.  Si is because  have started to do exercises while watching this show because I might as well do something productive while watching the show?  I do not think these posts count considering that I do them after I finish watching for the day.  And we both know I am doing this for my health already, right, Internet?

                No, there is something happening when watching "The Muppet Show" the way that I am.  It heavily detracts away from itself.  That is a bit much to say, but I think it is a sad reality.  Watching the episodes back to back for hours on end is causing a degradation of the comedy that the show has at its core.  The show is not meant to be viewed in a marathon manner.  This is evident by the fact that the show was broadcast one a week when it first aired.  The second reason is most likely because of the show's format.  The episodes all run five minutes more than shows made now.  These extra five minutes might not seem like a lot, but they have added up to make watching this series take longer than normal.  Normally, I can get through fifteen episodes every day and it takes five hours.  Some shows I can shave off a few minutes here and there because I can skip the intros and outros that repeat.  At most I can shave off a half hour, but that is rare.  With "The Muppet Show," I can only get through twelve episodes because of those extra minutes.  This means that the 120 episodes take ten days to get through.  Otherwise, this would take me eight days.  On top of that is the fact that the opening and closing sequences stop me from fast forwarding.  I do not mean that there is a physical or digital block that stops me from going past them.  The problem for me is that the two sequences include at least one joke each.  The jokes are just a single line or two at most and sometimes stem from the episode's plot.  This means that I have to view it because it is unwatched content.  I could try to skip only to the joke, but trying to find that one moment and skipping around would take longer than letting the opening just play out.  

                All of this is not really a fault of the show, more a fault of my own and how this experiment is designed.  I cannot mark against a work a strike saying that it cannot be enjoyed in long stretches when it was not meant to be done as such.  However, by watching the show in this manner, the show's minute problems are compounded.  I have already mentioned the show's use of repeating sketches.  When they are placed closely together, they have a way of getting tiring.  Each repeating skit relies on a certain set of jokes and poke fun at nearly the same thing.  Veterinarian's Hospital is a collection of puns and word plays.  Pigs in Space makes fun of the macho man idiot and his attempts to be adept in anything useful.  Bear on Patrol covers the hole left by Fozzie the Bear not delivering comedic monologues.  These repeating skits are all entertaining in their own way, but putting them next to each other causes an inverse affect.  In the very least, they do not repeat as much as they do in the earlier seasons.  However, since the natures of the skits do not change, they can fell like they are beating a dead horse at times.  This is what happens with every kind of repetition.  You can take almost anything that would normally make you ecstatic about doing more than once and make it banal by doing it too often.  I would love to go to Disney Land, but not for three weeks straight and ride everything.  

                The rest of the show suffers if only because of how similar episodes can make it all feel like dry repetition.  This is even stranger considering that season 3 has some of the most varied episodes around.  Just today, there was a cowboy episode and one that changed the format to put on a production of Robin Hood.  These episodes are great because they try and do something different and succeed.  The rest are either enjoyable because of the guest star or become another episode of the same old same old.  At that point, all I am looking forward to are the special guests, specifically the ones that I know or recognize.  

                "The Muppet Show" has got episodes abounding to the point where any individual can find their own favorite episodes but will then of course find the other ones lacking.  The show is meant to have a week in between viewings.  Otherwise, the humor can become too quickly stale from serving the same thing over and over.

Yours in digital,

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