Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Announcement for the Next Two Weeks

Dear Internet,

                For the next two weeks I will not be able to get near a computer or a connection to you.  What is occurring was planned for some time and could not be averted.  I regret being unable to fulfill my requirements that I had outlined in the rules of this experiment.  However since this was something that could not be helped rather than an act of laziness or reluctantly skirting my word of duty, I do not feel guilt about this course.  

                In an effort to continue with the Backlog and attempt to make up for the time that I will be unable to access a vast majority of it, I have foreseen a countermeasure.  I have specifically set aside a Backlog card for "The Complete Father Brown," by G. K. Chesterton, for this circumstance.  For the next two weeks, I will be reading it as much as I can in my free time and taking notes in an effort to report back to you.  While I do not know how much time per day that I will be able to allot to reading the work or if I can even finish it in such time, I will do my best to complete it.  If it is the case that I cannot finish it, I will make a post regarding what I have finished and flow the remainder of the book in following posts.

                I will write back to you in such time.  Take care, Internet.  Do not go anywhere that I cannot follow.

Yours in digital,

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