Saturday, September 28, 2013

Announement Concerning Change of Format

Dear Internet,

          Starting now, I will not be able to post regularly as I have done so these last 130 entries.  Short of two times of two week each where I had circumstances that could not be helped, I have posted regularly and consistently every week day for the last few months.  Due to circumstances of my life, I will not be able to continue the Backlog in this format.  It is both a relief and a heartache.  For the last few months, I have been habitually writing to the point that I have a collection of writings that I can show proof of my ability.  Whether or not I have any ability is another question entirely.  In total, I have typed approximately 150,00 words in those 130 entries.  For reference,  "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price" clocks in at 169k and "A Tale of Two Cities" is about 135k. 

          From now on, I will not be posting every day.  I will most likely not be post most days.  I may only be posting once a week.  This of course means that the review format is going to change drastically.  Before, I could show how my feelings towards a work can change drastically from one day to another.  You can take my "Fable III" review for example.  From now on, I will most likely be posting final reviews instead of a series of reviews.  But I am unsure as to any sort of specifics.  Everything right now is a bit up in the air.

          So, until further notice, do not expect habitual postings.  I wish I could continue this format, but all things change in life, and so must I.  If anything, I want to thank you for reading what I have had to say, even if it was not all that interesting.  Having a series of entries about media that has already been picked apart until all that remains is dust is not all that thrilling to read.  I know this, but this experiment has given me a bit of pleasure, so thank you for that.  Thank you for reading my little musings while I play catch-up with everyone else.

Yours in digital,

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